You’ve studied for months and in just two days it’s over, you’re done taking the Bar exam!! Whoo hoo! 🎉🥳 But, now you also have to wait several weeks/months before you get the results back. Whomp whomp. What are you going to do/should you do in the meantime to wait well instead of driving yourself crazy while you wait?⁠

1️⃣ Remember that “a cheerful heart is good medicine.” Proverbs 17:22. When you start thinking negative thoughts about your perceived performance on the Bar exam, remember what makes you feel happy that you already have present in your life. Focus on these things. 🙏🏾💜

2️⃣ Remember that what is done is done. You can’t go back and change any answers now so STOP thinking about it!!! Combat your worry with worship. Whenever you start worrying read God’s Word, play some worship music, and pray for grace, mercy, peace, and favor instead. 😊 We read weekly group devotionals on topics like how to stop worrying, overcoming stress and anxiety, and increasing your confidence inside the FREE private online community for Christian women lawyers, Bar exam takers, and law students that I (Roberta) created, Grace for the Grind® Career Mastermind. Join us and access our group devotionals, Bar exam webinar replays, and Bar Exam Resource Library at!

3️⃣ Remember that you’ve got plenty of things happening now to focus on instead. Work on developing skills that will make you a better employee now/better attorney for when you’re licensed (I provide a professional development and job success bonus to clients enrolled in my Blessed & Barred® Christian Bar Exam Coaching Program to help with this!), catch up on things you previously pushed off to study, and take some time for yourself to rest and recover from months of studying. Whatever you do, don’t worry over what you can’t control!⁠