
Blessed & Barred® Bar Exam Online Coaching

Pass the Bar Exam Without Studying 8-12+ Hours Every Day or Sacrificing Your Well-Being.

Bar prep doesn’t have to be hell. You can actually feel God’s presence through this process; better manage your time; improve your issue spotting, legal analysis, & legal writing skills for law school and the Bar exam; and fine-tune your Bar exam study & exam-day strategy!

You know that you are on a divine assignment to become a licensed attorney. But, you are nervous about taking the Bar exam for the first time because you don’t know what strategies to study and you’ve heard how Bar prep can turn your life upside down. Or, you are ready to take the Bar exam again and really want to pass it this time without Bar prep taking such a huge toll on you like it did before.

You need a Bar prep system that covers the spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, practical, and academic aspects of Bar prep that must be in alignment for you to complete your divine assignment. Traditional commercial bar review companies provide the law and practice questions you need but do not address all of these various aspects of Bar prep.

That is where Blessed & Barred® comes in! ⚖️

PASS RESULTS testimonials

Passed the Feb. 2024 IL UBE Bar Exam While Working Full-Time With
a Score High Enough to Practice in ANY UBE Jurisdiction!

Tayleece PASS testimony anon

Passed the July 2024 NJ UBE Bar Exam as a Retaker Working Full-Time
and Walking with God in the Process


“The Blessed & Barred® program is priceless. I have used commercial bar prep programs and multiple 1:1 tutors and nothing compared to this experience.

Blessed & Barred® goes beyond the bar exam. It is an excellent opportunity to grow personally and with God. Blessed & Barred® was definitely an experience that honestly cannot be compared to other programs because the foundation of the program sets it a part from all other programs. Once an examinee passes the bar exam that part of the journey is over unless one desires to pursue a UBE or non-UBE jurisdiction after passing their exam. However, walking with God is a lifetime experience no matter if one is taking the bar, working, or simply living one’s life.

I would recommend the Blessed & Barred® program to believers. In addition, I would recommend the program to those individuals who are searching for the opportunity to join forces with knowledgeable, talented, caring, supportive, dedicated, selfless women who have paved the way for others to join the legal profession, make a difference, and understand the importance of uplifting others and helping them to achieve their goals.

This program is amazing and the legal community needs to know about it and help sustain it.

Passed the Feb. 2024 FL Bar Exam and MPRE!

Any of this sound like you?

You feel led to go deeper in your relationship with God and want to incorporate faith in your law school and Bar prep experience. You know you are stronger with God than by yourself, and want to have the strongest faith and mindset you can on this journey to attorney.

You know you are meant to do great things and want to continue becoming the person who can accomplish these things. You are ready for the spiritual, personal, and professional development necessary to become the attorney you’ve been anointed and appointed to be.

You want to have a better handle on your schedule/life and feel like you have enough time for everything you have to do for school, work, and/or Bar prep. You may be feeling overwhelmed with your packed to-do list and need a system to tackle your tasks and feel like you are running your day instead of your day running you.

You recognize that law school and preparing for the Bar exam are a time of transition and transformation into the attorney you’ll be. So you want something better than the stressful, discouraging, anxiety-inducing traditional law school experience and Bar prep process that you’ve experienced and everyone complains about.

Someone in need of bar exam online coaching

You are in the right place

When you address the academic, emotional, mental, physical, practical, AND spiritual aspects of Bar prep, you will have Bar prep that's blessed instead of a mess!

Roberta here. I used to be in your shoes before I became a licensed attorney in two jurisdictions. I had passed my first Bar exam (Maryland) but my MBE score was three points short to waive into the District of Columbia Bar (and I was embarrassed about that for a time). Two years later my judicial clerkship was coming to an end and I needed to find a new job — and pass the D.C. Bar exam.

So, here I was, working full-time, looking for jobs, serving on my church’s Pastor Search Committee, starting a new dating relationship, and studying for another Bar exam in a different format (this time UBE). To say I was feeling pressure, stress, anxiety, and fear is an understatement. I was going THROUGH it and knew I needed a system I could apply in ALL areas of my life if I was going to pass this Bar exam without dropping the ball on everything else.

This is what led to me creating the Blessed & Barred® Bar Exam Success System, which is based on what I did to strengthen my faith in God and confidence in myself and my abilities, manage my time and study for the Bar exam without studying 8-12+ hours a day and still have time to have a social life, and pass the Bar exam while working full-time with a score high enough to waive into ANY UBE jurisdiction (280+)! No more Bar exams for me, hallelujah! 🙌🏾 And SN: the guy I started dating while studying for the Bar exam? He later became my husband and part of the Blessed & Barred® team! 😍

From Sacrificing Time With God and Studying 10-15 Hours a Day to
Putting God First and Increasing Her Bar Exam Score by 19 Points!

Copy of Lavendar

“Previously, I relied heavily on my bar prep course. I put in 10-15 hours daily to stay on schedule, only to perform below average. I sacrificed my time with God and felt extremely anxious and unprepared on exam day. BUT GOD!

This time, I wanted to ensure I put God first and was part of a community that would help me maintain this mindset. B&B made this goal possible—because ALL THINGS are possible through Christ!!!! From completing the MAP module to participating in the daily devotionals, B&B strengthened my faith in Jesus and my confidence in who the Lord called and chose me to become.

The B&B writing workshops helped improve my writing skills overall. After completing the modules, my MEE practice scores significantly improved, and my Judge [during a judicial clerkship] frequently expressed his appreciation for my improved performance. I would recommend this program to anyone looking to grow their faith & trust in the Lord and who desires to be in a community with other faith-filled aspiring attorneys. Especially people working full-time need an extra push to see the Lord’s plans through.

Imagine the Possibility

What if there was a better way to get through law school & study for the Bar exam?

Imagine if it were possible to feel closer to God during this time and feel better about yourself and your circumstances. 💜

Imagine if it were possible to have less stress and anxiety as you go through law school and prepare for the Bar exam. ☮️

Imagine if it were possible to successfully study for the Bar exam without studying 8-12+ hours every day because you have the right strategies to implement. ✅

Imagine learning how to manage all areas of your life and not just school or the Bar exam. 🎉

What would it feel like to repair or strengthen your relationship with God, keep it all together, improve your legal analysis and legal writing for law school and the MBE/MEE/MPT, get your pass results, get sworn in as a licensed attorney, and start your career as an ESQUIRE? ⚖️


How it looks and feels being Blessed & Barred®. 

Because Blessed & Barred® is not just something you join but it’s something you ARE. 

It’s more than a program but an identity, a mindset, a lifestyle, a movement. 🙌🏾

more pass results testimonials

Passed the July 2023 MD Bar Exam With 17 Points MORE Than She Needed to Pass — and as a Wife & Mother Working Full-Time!


“PRAISE GOD and ROBERTA and ARTI [Blessed & Barred® Assistant Coach]! I passed!! Thank God for you and the guidance you provided to me. I have cried myself silly but I would be remiss if I didn’t give you some praise. I was praying for a 270 and 133 MBE. God showed out…I got a 283 and 140 MBE. Hallelujah!” 

Increased Her MBE Score by 20 points and Writing Score by 16 Points and PASSED the Feb. 2021 CT UBE Bar Exam With 8 Points MORE Than She Needed for Her Jurisdiction!

Copy of Lavendar

I have been working on trying to pass the Bar for what feels like too many times to count. I have literally tried everything and used so many bar prep companies and materials. I knew that there was something else hindering me from passing. Being a Christian, I know we are taught to surrender to God and we are told not to worry, but this exam was making me worry a lot! I had failed numerous times and I could not get to the bottom of it. I was tired of failing and wondered why God had allowed that to continue to happen. The Blessed & Barred® program seemed perfect. To gain a Christian experience while studying for the bar exam was something I had never tried. Working with Roberta, you gain a different perspective on life and a true meaning to what being a Christian is. I no longer had those questions about why God was allowing me to go on this journey. I had developed increased faith and confidence, and I learned to truly surrender everything in God’s hands.

As a result, my practice scores were the highest they had ever been! I finally saw an improvement in my MBE’s which I have always struggled with the most and an improvement in my essays too. I had gained a new sense of calmness and peace around the exam. I learned better time management practice, goal-setting strategies, and built effective prayer habits. I would recommend Blessed & Barred® because Roberta truly cares about you and your success, that you will see results that you have never seen before not only for the bar exam but in all areas of your life! I truly became a better person and a better Christian due to working with Roberta!”

Passed the Feb. 2023 Texas UBE Bar Exam With a 302 — 32 Points MORE Than She Needed to Pass — and as a Retaker Who Was Denied Accommodations for Her ADHD!


I know that the Blessed & Barred® system helped retrain the way my mind thinks in terms of God [. . .] That’s why Blessed & Barred® was so critical to my Bar Exam studying. I didn’t just take the course to pass. My goal was to take the course so that I could maximize my relationship with God despite the arduous journey and regardless of the outcome. 

Thank you, Roberta, for casting the vision. Thank you for your thoughtfulness, your obedience. It was the missing piece to God’s elaborate masterpiece plan for me. For this, I am forever grateful.”

– Former Blessed & Barred® Christian Bar Exam Coaching Program student and now Blessed & Barred® Assistant Coach Arti Sharma, Esq.

Picture of Arti being sworn in as an Esquire!

You can be sworn in as an Esquire too!

Your life before Blessed & Barred®:

Your life after Blessed & Barred®:

Welcome to

Blessed & Barred® Bar Exam Success System

The one-of-a-kind, step-by-step holistic program to help you drastically improve your legal writing and issue spotting/legal analysis abilities AND conquer the practical, mental, emotional, and spiritual blocks that commercial Bar exam companies don’t address!

The Curriculum

What You'll Learn

You’ll dive deep into the three-part Blessed & Barred® Bar Exam Success System and learn how you can use this framework to help you increase your faith and confidence, better manage your time, improve your issue spotting/legal analysis and legal writing skills, and fine-tune your study and exam-day strategy!

a $1,200 value

"Investigate my life, O God, find out everything about me; Cross-examine and test me, get a clear picture of what I’m about; See for yourself whether I’ve done anything wrong— then guide me on the road to eternal life." - Psalm 139:23-24 (MSG)

Step 0

Identify Your Bar Exam Blessing Blockers™ and Bar Exam Blessing Activators™

The foundation of the Blessed & Barred® Bar Exam Success System starts with identifying what could hold you back from passing the Bar exam the first time or a subsequent time (what I call “Bar Exam Blessing Blockers™”), and how you can break free of that so you can stop doing what is hindering your Bar exam success and start doing what will bring your Bar exam blessing (what I call “Bar Exam Blessing Activators™”)! By figuring these out from the jump, you will be able to start your Bar prep focusing on the RIGHT things, NOT fall victim to common pitfalls during Bar prep, and get the MOST out of the Success System! We go through these together in the Blessed & Barred® Bar Prep Bootcamp to get you started on the right foot! 🥾


Start With Your MAP (Mindset, Affirmations, and Prayer)

Many times it is not a lack of competency but a lack of confidence that leads to you not performing as well as you could. That is one reason I always sayyou have to get your mind right before you can get the answer right.” 🤯

So after you’ve identified your Bar Exam Blessing Blockers™ and Bar Exam Blessing Activators™ in Step 0, in Step 1 we’ll work on getting your mind right by confronting your defeating thoughts, limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, and any other practical, spiritual, or emotional challenges so you can address or avoid what is or could block your Bar exam success. This step includes a guided system for taking every thought captive and demolishing every pretense set up against the knowledge of God (see 2 Corin. 10:5) so you can pray like a lawyer, improve your mindset, and increase your confidence for better Bar exam performance! 🙌 Includes lessons like:

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will." - Romans 12:2
"For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it" - Luke 14:28


Tame Your Time

After getting your mind and spirit right in Step 1 of the Success System, we focus on getting your life together in Step 2 by taming your time! This includes setting the schedule, boundaries, priorities, routines, and stress-decreasing habits you need to make the most of your study sessions while also tending to your self and the other important areas of your life — especially if you are balancing work while studying as well! 🎯 Includes lessons like:


Strategize Your Studying

In this final step, we get into insider tips for how to specifically approach the MBE, MEE/essays, and MPT so you can start issue spotting, analyzing, and writing like a practicing attorney on the exam, and build a study and exam-day strategy based on Biblical, practical, and scientific methods and principles. Includes lessons like:

"The plans of the diligent lead surely to advantage, But everyone who is hasty comes surely to poverty." - Proverbs 31:5

PLUS THIS $397 value


Blessed & Barred® Bar Exam Writing Workshop

This fun (yes, fun lol!) interactive workshop series covers the Blessed & Barred® 3-Step Bar Exam Writing Framework to make essay and PT writing streamlined and simple. You’ll learn how to have On-Point Organization, Amped Up Analysis, Exquisite Editing, and more! If you’ve received feedback like “include more analysis” but you don’t know exactly how to do that or what that even really means, we take a deep dive into how to do that in this workshop series! Includes how-tos, writing checklists to follow, recorded MEE essay & MPT reviews and walkthroughs, and Q&A! Learn:

writing workshop testimonial

Her MEE Practice Scores SIGNIFICANTLY Improved
AND While Completing Her Judicial Clerkship, Her Judge Commented on Her Improved Legal Writing!



“The B&B Bar Exam Writing Workshop was helpful. It provided key tips such as how to write an essay when you don’t know the law and how to check your progress by looking at NCBE point sheets to better understand if you’re grasping the material. I liked the way she broke it down with the checklist, which wasn’t how my Bar Prep company did it. It made the concept of writing essays easier to digest.”


“The Blessed & Barred® Bar Exam Writing Framework Checklist aided me in my writing presentation when I wrote both my essays and MPTs. I remembered that checklist and revisited it in my head at the completion of each essay and while writing them. The teaching was more generic in law school, e.g., IRAC and go.”


I absolutely loved the Blessed & Barred® Writing Workshop. It was so informative and extremely helpful. It was presented in an interesting and engaging way. I loved the format and the opportunity to ask questions was great. It was very easy to understand and [the method taught] will forever live rent free in my head…lol. It was better than what was taught in my legal writing class and the other bar prep companies. It broke it down to a way that I could understand and retain it. To me, it was the icing on the cake for this program.”

And That's Not All. You'll Also Get These BONUSES!

Enroll now and you’ll also get these 3 bonus trainings totally FREE!

A $149 value

How to Answer an Essay Question When You Don't Know the Law

I didn’t know the law for 2 out of 6 of the essays when I took the UBE Bar Exam and I still scored high enough to waive into any UBE jurisdiction. I teach you how in this interactive training with examples!

A $49 value

Tame Your
To-Do List:

Interactive Online To-Do List Training & Templates for Work, Study, & Life. Learn the exact online tools I use to manage my personal and professional/work tasks and assignments and receive a template you can use to implement it yourself!

A $99 value

Goal-Setting & Achieving Mini-Course and Bar Study Planning Session

To help you get your Bar exam study off to a good start and provide you with a goal-setting and achieving system you can use even after the Bar exam

Plus, You'll Also Get

Real-time support in the group coaching program to help you actually implement the system and get it done!

Q&A Group Coaching Calls

A $1,000 VALUE

Bi-weekly Q&A group coaching calls with Blessed & Barred®  Founder, Bar Exam Success Coach, legal writing adjunct professor, & Christian life coach, Roberta, Esq. & your Blessed & Barred® co-counsels! We’ll chat about your study progress, where you are in implementing the Success System, any hang-ups you’re having in your Bar prep, + more! ☎️

Periodic Progress check-ins

A $500 value

Weekly progress check-ins (at least once a week + multiple other touchpoints throughout the week) for self-reflection, support, and accountability to keep you on track so you can achieve your Bar exam goals ✅



Daily private community/app (NOT on Facebook or GroupMe so you don’t have more distractions) with other Blessed & Barred® co-counsels you can learn from for additional support, encouragement, fellowship, & uplifting community. You can find study partners, ask the B&B coaches and the group questions, and get answers in between group calls so you don’t have to go through Bar prep alone! 🙏

And These Group Coaching Program Features & Bonuses TOO! 🤯

Even MORE Features to Help You WIN!

A $300 value

Blessed & Barred® Bar Prep Bootcamp

9Start your Bar prep off on the right foot with the Blessed & Barred® Bar Prep Bootcamp! The bootcamp is designed to have you accomplish some key milestones at the beginning of your Bar prep so you can know what to focus on during your study and how from the jump! The B&B Bar Prep Bootcamp also includes a BONUS 4-week LIVE component, B&B Prepare to Prep Productivity Power Sessions starting Sat., April 19 to Sat., May 10, 2025! Replays available.

A $500 value

B&B Prepare to Prep Productivity Power Sessions

These BONUS Productivity Power Sessions are held live for 4 weeks in Nov. & April to help you 1) implement the Blessed & Barred® Bar Prep Bootcamp in community, 2) prepare to start your peak Bar exam study season, & 3) give you dedicated space & time to be productive and get important prep items done before things get even busier (which you know they will, girl!). So don’t procrastinate, activate your #ProductivityPower!

A $60 value

Smart MBE Flashcards

I said in the Making MBEs Make Sense Q&A Session (available only inside of Blessed & Barred®), “before you can make sense of the MBEs you need to make sense of the law.” Brainscape’s cognitive science-based learning system will help you do that & I can also see if you’ve been doing the flashcards or not for extra accountability! 🙂 Plus, MPRE flashcards are included too! Note: this bonus is limited so join ASAP to get a free access code before they’re gone!

A $400 value

Monthly Q&A w/ a Psychotherapist

Bonus Monthly Q&A (not therapy) with Roberta and her husband, a licensed psychotherapist of 17+ years, where we discuss stress, test anxiety, self-sabotage, and more! Together we’ll be able to cover academic, emotional, mental, spiritual, practical, etc. blocks that may come up! No more suffering in silence! 

A $250 value

Weekly Study Halls/Co-Working Sessions

Have something for Bar prep you’ve been putting off or dread doing? These once-a-week sessions that start with prayer are a great way to get things done for Bar prep in community with accountability! These BONUS study halls/co-working sessions are hosted by former Blessed & Barred® student and current Blessed & Barred® Assistant Coach Arti Sharma, Esq. who scored a 302 on the Feb. 2023 UBE! 

A $350 value

Searchable Q&A Group Coaching Call Replays & Transcripts

Want to review a specific part of a group call without having to re-listen to the whole thing? Well you can with bonus searchable recordings! Our replays are hosted on software that gives you the ability to search a video by word or phrase, so you can click to go to the particular question or topic of your choosing — a huge timesaver!

A $100 value

Blessed & Barred® Study Season Sprint Kick-Off Call

After the live B&B 4-Week Prepare to Prep Productivity Power Sessions to help you implement the Blessed & Barred® Bar Prep Bootcamp in Nov. and April, we host the B&B Study Season Sprint Kick-Off Group Call in Dec. & May to get your main study season started right! Next Kick-Off Call at 6 pm ET on Sun., May 18, 2025! Replay available.

A $100 value

Weekly Implementation Challenges

Stay on track with the Blessed & Barred® Bar Exam Success System by participating in weekly implementation challenges! This is a fun way to keep you going through the program–plus you are eligible for exclusive prizes for completing a certain number of challenges! The 10 weeks of implementation challenges for the July 2025 exam start on May 19, 2025!

A $500 value

B&B Early Bar Prep Check-In Calls

Even though it is beneficial to do so, we know how hard it can be to start your Bar prep early and stick to it. That’s why we host BONUS monthly B&B Early Bar Prep Check-In Calls to help you stay committed to starting early and so you’re never alone in your Bar prep no matter what timeline you’re on. Next Early Bar Prep Check-In Call at 6 pm ET on Sun., March 30, 2025! Replay available.

A $450 value

LIVE Group MPT Walkthrough

MPTs take the longest to complete and many students dread or avoid practicing them altogether because of the time and level of organization and analysis required. Well, now you can avoid MPTs no more and learn how to approach them more effectively by participating in a LIVE group MPT walkthrough where we go through the file and library TOGETHER with Roberta, who is not only the founder of Blessed & Barred® and a bar exam coach, but a legal research and writing adjunct professor! Held in June 2025!

A $500 value

Year-Round Bar Prep Q&A

Have a question about Bar prep outside of December to February or May to June? Starting your Bar prep more than 10 weeks before the exam (which is a great idea)? No problem! A Blessed & Barred® Bar Exam Coach is available to answer your questions about Bar prep YEAR-ROUND in our daily access coaching community!

A $350 value

LIVE Group MEE Walkthrough + Review

Practice applying what you learn in the Blessed & Barred® Bar Exam Writing Workshop and get feedback on your essay writing skills by participating in a LIVE group MEE walkthrough + review where we go through an MEE and review your submitted response to the MEE as a group TOGETHER with Roberta, who is not only the founder of Blessed & Barred® and a bar exam coach, but a legal research and writing adjunct professor! Held in June 2025!

A $200 VALUE

B&B Bar Prep FAQ Bank

You’ll have access to this BONUS growing FAQ bank of Bar prep questions previously asked and answered in Blessed & Barred® — giving you an instant resource to refer to when you have questions, or to just have as a helpful reference! 


B&B Bar Prep Pep Talks Private Podcast

Sometimes you need a pep talk every now and then to keep going. Now you can get a B&B Bar Prep Pep Talk on-demand with this bonus private podcast of encouragement, prayers, pep talks, etc. JUST for members of Blessed & Barred®! Conquer the Bar exam with these pep talks in your pocket!

a $600 value

B&B Bar Prep Planning & Strategy Sessions

In these group planning and strategy sessions (offered in Dec., Feb., May, and July), you’ll have dedicated time to sit down and create or modify your Study Strategy System (or your “Triple S” as Roberta likes to call it!), identify what works and what doesn’t for you in Bar prep, schedule your study milestones, & more! And you’ll be provided with templates to use and guidance and feedback from a Blessed & Barred® coach to get it done! YESSSS! ✅

A $100 VALUE

B&B Finish Strong Group Coaching Call

Just like we help you get your Bar prep started on the right foot with the B&B Bar Prep Bootcamp Kick-Off Call as a bonus, we host a live group coaching call open to everyone in Blessed & Barred® the week before the Feb. and July Bar exams to give you that last bit of info and push you need to help you finish strong! As one previous attendee said:


Typing Improving Software

As part of your enrollment in Blessed & Barred®, you can also get BONUS access to an online typing improvement software so you can type FASTER + MORE ACCURATELY — a benefit for writing MORE & BETTER in essays & PTs on the Bar exam (and in law school and your job too)! As one B&Ber who completed the B&B Writing Workshop and used the typing bonus said:

a $500 value

B&B Feedback Office Hours

This is your chance to get personal feedback in a private setting from Roberta on your B&B action items/exercises such as doing the B&B Bar Exam Audit, creating your B&B Study Strategy System, and more! These asynchronous office hours (you submit your B&B action item(s) through a form and Roberta sends back a video recorded just for you walking through your submission and providing feedback!) are available year-round so you can get feedback whenever you need it! 

PLUS These Law School & Post-Bar Exam Bonuses AS WELL! 😍

Because Being Blessed & Barred® Starts in Law School & Continues After the Bar Exam!

A $500 value

Law School & Legal Practice Basics

Resources to help you in law school and as you start as an entry-level attorney. Includes resources on conducting legal research, briefing cases, outlining for law school classes, writing legal memoranda, starting a scholarly writing project (such as a law school course research paper or law review/law journal article/note), legal writing in a legal internship or attorney job, and more!

A $300 value

Job Search & Professional Development Resources

From an interactive 5-day professional development and job success challenge to in-depth walkthroughs of what goes into creating stand-out legal résumés, cover letters, and writing samples (from someone who has sat on multiple attorney hiring committees), you’ll get the inside scoop on how to get closer to landing your dream attorney job!


Law School Support Forum

We know law school is not easy and having a supportive community is important to get through it. So, we created a safe space for law school members of Blessed & Barred® to connect, share, and encourage each other. Plus, ask questions about what is appropriate Bar exam prep while in law school and get answers from the Blessed & Barred® Bar exam coaches!

That’s a Total Value of Over $5,000!

But You Can Get All This & More for Just a FRACTION of Its Worth!

Take a sneak peek inside 👀

Choose Your Enrollment Option:
Self-Paced Course or Group Coaching Program!

Option 1: Self-Paced Course

Full pay:
SPLIT THE $397 WITH A 12-MONTH OR OTHER PAYMENT PLAN provided by Affirm, Afterpay, Klarna, or PayPal Buy Now Pay Later! 🎉

Enroll in Course & Access:

Enroll NOW to Prep for the July 2025 Bar Exam & Beyond!

Next Blessed & Barred® Prepare to Prep Productivity Power Session on Sat., April 19, 2025

Join ASAP to hit the ground running before then!

Option 2: Group Coaching Program

Full pay:
SPLIT THE $997 WITH A 12-MONTH OR OTHER PAYMENT PLAN provided by Affirm, Afterpay, Klarna, or PayPal Buy Now Pay Later! 🥳

Enroll in the Group & Access:

Enroll NOW to Prep for the Feb. 2025 Bar Exam & Beyond!

Next Blessed & Barred® Early Bar Prep Check-In Call at 6 pm ET on Sun., March 30, 2025!

Join ASAP to hit the ground running before then!


Increased Her Score by 13 Points After Scoring Approx. the Same Score During her FOUR Previous Attempts and PASSED the July 2021 MD UBE Bar Exam -- Even While Experiencing Technical Difficulties During the Exam and as a Single Mom Working Full-Time!

Copy of Purple

“I had the best experience with the Blessed & Barred® program. This is my 5th time taking the bar. I’m a single parent and I work full time and I needed something extra to help me with my bar preparation and I so glad I chose this program. Not only did it send me in right direction on picking a bar prep program that worked for my situation, the program gave me the encouragement and the tools to do my best this time around on the bar exam.

The writing workshop was an eye opener. [The writing method taught] really helped me to improve with writing my essay and MPT answers. And the memorization tools extremely helped with my MBE. And the spiritual aspect was the icing on the cake for me. Having another Christian woman encourage and pray for you just put this program on another level. Plus, having a community of fellow test takers let me know that I was not alone on how I felt on this journey. I would most definitely recommend this program to others taking the bar exam. The information given plus the encouragement is one of a kind. You will not find anything else out there like this program.”

Wife and Mother of Young Children Who Overcame Stress-Related Health Issues With Faith & PASSED the Oct. 2020 GA Bar Exam After 2 Previous Attempts!

Purple (2)

“Blessed & Barred® was really a transformative process. I experienced some extreme highs and low lows. At the end of the program I had a breakthrough in my faith that goes far beyond bar prep. My writing has increased dramatically and I was encouraged by Roberta all the way through.”

Passed the July 2024 NJ UBE Bar Exam With a Score High Enough to Waive Into ANY UBE Jurisdiction -- While Working!

Copy of Purple

“Prior to joining Blessed & Barred®, I only focused on the natural side of passing the bar – i.e. bar study programs, schedules, etc. Yet, after I didn’t pass the bar the first time, I knew I needed something more than just more study strategies. Now that I’m a member, I think Blessed & Barred® is a must-have community for any Christian woman who wants to be an attorney regardless of where she’s at on her legal journey – from pre-law to attorney! Although I’m a recent member of the legal community, I can see that there are “acceptable” mindsets and practices common to the field that don’t always align with the Word of God. I think it’s critical to surround yourself with like-minded Kingdom attorneys that know the field AND know the Lord so that we can help each other successfully navigate the legal journey without compromising our values and beliefs.”

Is the Blessed & Barred® Bar Exam Success System for me?

This is PERFECT for you if:

This is NOT for you if:

How to Get Started


Choose the option that works best for you (the flexibility of a payment plan or the savings of paying in full!)


As soon as you enroll you will receive an email with the program access info so you can get started now!


No need to wait until an official start date — you can start going through the Success System and connecting in the private group immediately!

Meet The Founder of Blessed & barred®

Hey, I'm Prof. Roberta!

I’m a licensed attorney in two jurisdictions (passed a state Bar exam and the UBE with a 280+), a legal research and writing adjunct professor for international LL.M.s at The George Washington University Law School (GW Law), and a Bar exam coach & certified Christian life coach. You may also know me as founder of Grace for the Grind® Career Mastermind, an online community/mobile app for Christian women lawyers, Bar exam takers, and law students.

I graduated from GW Law in Washington, DC in 2015 (as a first-generation Nigerian-American and first-generation college/law school grad!), and got some valuable experience to help you pass the Bar exam. I earned the highest scores on both graded assignments in my legal research & writing class section; was a Writing Fellow in the GW Law Writing Center, where I taught JD and LLM students legal writing & argumentation & gave presentations on legal writing tenets; and was Senior Notes Editor of my journal & assisted with teaching the Scholarly Writing course. After law school, I did a two-year federal judicial clerkship, worked another three years as an attorney advisor at a court training & supervising legal interns, did a detail as a federal prosecutor where I won an award for my work, and am now an appellate attorney with the federal government and legal writing adjunct professor at a top law school. I even developed the online course curriculum for the legal writing course I teach at GW Law with the help of instructional designers, so I picked up some best practices to virtually teach adult learners!

As you can see, I have a lot of experience teaching people legal writing. I believe God has gifted me with the passion to teach legal writing and analysis and go through the process of taking and passing two Bar exams so I can help you be Blessed & Barred® too! Let’s do itttt! 🙌🏾😊


An Interview Clip from a Blessed & Barred® Alum

In this clip you’ll hear:

  1. What made this alum join Blessed & Barred®,
  2. How she increased her confidence and improved her scores (and passed the Bar exam!), and
  3. What sets Blessed & Barred® apart from everything else out there

This isn’t mentioned in the clip, but this alum increased her Bar exam score by 35+ points while in Blessed & Barred®! Praise God! 🙌🏽 This clip is taken from a longer interview available here

This alum is also now a Blessed & Barred® Bar Exam Coach and Community Manager!

On the Fence About Joining? Watch This Message to You From a Blessed & Barred® Alum

Hear what this alum has to say to anyone who is on the fence about joining Blessed & Barred®!

This alum joined Blessed & Barred® after failing the Bar exam four times, and passed on the fifth time with Blessed & Barred® — while being a single mom and working full-time! Glory to God! 🙌🏽 This clip is taken from a longer interview available here

A Blessed & Barred® Alum on Why Joining Blessed & Barred® is an Investment in Your Bar Prep AND Your Life

This alum joined Blessed & Barred® after failing the Bar exam twice, and passed on the third time with Blessed & Barred® — while being a wife, mother to young children, and overcoming dangerously high blood pressure brought on by the stress of studying for the Bar exam by tapping into her faith! Hallelujah! 🙌🏽 This clip is taken from a longer interview available here


Copy of Copy of Purple

Offers What Conventional Bar Prep Programs Don’t

Before I started working with [Blessed & Barred®], I tried just taking a conventional bar prep study program to pass, but that didn’t work. I didn’t realize that I needed emotional and spiritual guidance along this journey, but I’m so glad I found [Blessed & Barred®]! Some of my transformations included less anxiety, stronger writing skills, confidence in approaching the bar and overall confidence in myself.”

– Increased her writing score by 20+ points — the highest she’s scored on the Bar exam after two previous attempts!

Purple (2)

For Both First-Time and Repeat Bar Exam Takers

The Blessed & Barred® program afforded me with the courage to get in the ring with my most formidable foe – me. This program helped me build my faith from its devotional readings, prayers, check-ins, and online network. This program is nothing short of amazing. Previously, I had not included intentional faith building to my studying when preparing for the bar. I could surely tell a major difference this time. This, along with Roberta’s writing coaching enabled me to feel confident before, during, and after the exam. I would definitely recommend this program to anyone pursuing any State’s bar exam, whether you’re a repeater or first timer. Had I had this opportunity my first time, there is no doubt that I would have passed.

Copy of Copy of Purple

Overcome Fear & Study for the Bar Exam While Working Full-Time

“Passing the bar exam is probably one of the most difficult things that a lawyer will ever tackle. Once my 3L year started, I was filled with dread just knowing that after graduation I would have to take this exam. After graduation, when the time finally came for me to start studying this process was interrupted by a global pandemic and racial uprisings. This coupled with my low confidence from a traumatic law school experience left me unmotivated to study and so fearful of failure. This fear crippled me and ultimately prevented me from preparing properly for the exam for the first time. I was unprepared on all fronts and took the exam knowing I hadn’t done my best. After being unsuccessful the first time, I knew I had to do something different the second time and I couldn’t do it alone. I found Blessed & Barred® and it made all the difference.

Doing this program reconnected me with my faith, taught me the value in taking time for yourself in the quiet of the mornings, and that I can actually commit to something and follow through. Participating in this program forced me to be honest with myself and helped me to get over that hump of having no confidence in my abilities. It reminded me that self-care is so important and that success is when opportunity and preparation meet, but that there are many ways to succeed and that your failures do not define you. It was particularly helpful that this course was tailored to the working professional who was studying at the same time. Talking through MEE & MPT writing samples with Roberta helped so much and working with her during this preparation process gave me a blueprint for how I will set goals and reach them that I will use for the rest of my life.”

– Increased her Bar exam score by 18 points on the second attempt!


You've got questions? We have answers!

The Blessed & Barred® 3-Step Bar Exam Success System is based on Biblical principles, research-backed methodologies, and real-world experience and application. I used it myself to pass the DC UBE while working full-time, job searching, and still having a social life, and have helped others increase their scores and pass the Bar exam using this system! Shoot, I still use principles from the system even now as a licensed attorney! 

The Success System is not just mindset work or just tips and tricks or prayer without practice. This unique program addresses what commercial Bar review courses do not (how to manage your time and the other areas of your life while taking the Bar exam, and mental, emotional, and spiritual blocks to Bar exam success), while teaching the practical issue-spotting and legal writing skills you need in a more relatable and interactive way you haven’t been taught it before (I bet you haven’t learned to approach legal writing by having On-Point Organization, Amped Up Analysis, and Exquisite Editing, right? :)). I learned legal writing from a Top 20 law school and taught it to others in ways they understand by breaking concepts down in an engaging way.

As more than one Blessed & Barred® sisters have said, they actually wanted to complete the Blessed & Barred® lessons because they were fun and tailored to what they needed to be doing and they felt like they were seeing results from it, unlike with the commercial Bar review course where they didn’t feel as motivated.

People also win moot court competitions without a coach, for example, but sometimes you need a coach to point out the things you are not seeing on your own so you can improve your performance. Same with the Bar exam. There is no shame in getting help to get you over a hurdle. The real shame is not giving yourself the best chance at success because you are holding yourself back from investing in yourself. Do not deny yourself what you need because other people didn’t have it. It’s not about other people. It’s about doing what is best for you so you can pass this exam and move forward in your life!

Everything we do has an opportunity cost. The opportunity cost of investing in your success is expending more resources, while the opportunity cost of not investing further in yourself is the risk of not getting the pass results you want because you didn’t get the help you needed. In light of the $100,000+ (probably more like $200,000+ tbh) you have already spent to get your JD, not to mention the time and energy you’ve spent and will continue to spend that can’t be put into a $ amount, should fear of a $397 or $997 investment (that can be split up into a monthly payment plan) be what stands in the way of getting the return on investment of the 3+ years you’ve spent in law school and studying for the Bar exam? 

You have to decide what is more important to you both in the short-term and in the long-term: 1) saving some money now by not enrolling in Blessed & Barred® but risk having to spend more money (and even more valuable time!) by signing up for another Bar exam, Bar review course, and/or tutor if unsuccessful (not to mention the lost income and everything that comes with that from not working as an attorney sooner), or 2) improving your confidence, study strategy, and legal writing skills so you can have the best chance at passing the Bar exam, becoming an attorney, and living out your financial, professional, and personal dreams?

Plus, as several Blessed & Barred® sisters have said in their testimonials throughout this info page, Blessed & Barred® helps you with not just the Bar exam but with all areas of your life as well (and law school too if you’re still in school!). No other Bar prep-related course does that, and you get lifetime access to the Success System to use in your life after the Bar exam because Blessed & Barred® is not just a program you do but is something you are, a lifestyle. This is bigger than the Bar exam. This is an investment that keeps giving. This is your time to prepare yourself for the Bar exam and beyond. This is your time to invest in yourself. You are worth it.

Payment plans are available from Affirm, Afterpay, Klarna, and PayPal. See you in the program! 🙂 

While I cannot guarantee you will pass the Bar exam because your ultimate results are your responsibility as no one can practice for you or take the exam for you but you, I know you will see breakthrough in your faith and confidence, study strategy, and legal writing and analysis as a result of going through Blessed & Barred®. Every person I have worked with has seen dramatic improvement in these areas and you can too. There is no way you will not unless you don’t implement the system! 🙂

The Blessed & Barred® Bar Exam Success System is a complement/supplement to commercial Bar review courses but not a replacement for them, especially if you do not already have study materials to teach you the substantive law such as lectures, outlines, practice questions, etc. Blessed & Barred® does not provide these types of substantive law materials but will help you best use the materials for learning the law that you do have!

The Blessed & Barred® Bar Exam Success System works for both UBE and non-UBE state Bar exams! While the vast majority of Blessed & Barred® sisters are UBE takers, the Success System has been used to pass state Bar exams as well. But, please note that while the Success System applies to all Bar exams generally, the Blessed & Barred® Bar Exam Writing Workshop, while still applicable to other state Bar exams, uses MEEs and MPTs specifically as examples.  

Due to the digital nature of the course/program (you get immediate access as soon as you enroll!) there are no refunds, cancellations, or pauses in payment plans provided once you enroll.

Once enrolled you have year-round, lifetime access to the course materials and access to the live coaching features in the group program during the two main bar exam study seasons for 18 months from enrollment, so if you enroll and later decide to take a later Bar exam, you will still have access to the course/program when you need it. If you have any questions before you enroll, feel free to email info@robertaoroberts.com

That’s OK, we’ve got you covered! That’s why we allow you to submit your questions in advance of the call and offer the valuable bonus searchable call replays so that way you can see exactly where your question is answered! Plus, you can also ask questions between calls in the group if it can’t wait until the next call and you get answers that way as well! So, you don’t have to worry about ever missing out. 🙂  

Answers to your individual questions posted in the program community or asked on the Q&A group coaching calls is included in the group coaching program option. But, if you want private one-on-one coaching in addition to what is already included in the group coaching program, there is an option to add on individual one-on-one coaching sessions for an additional investment after you join! 

If you are saying this then that means you especially need to sign up for the Success System so you can Tame Your Time and Strategize Your Studying, Steps 2 and 3 of the System! Being part of Blessed & Barred® will help you figure out what to focus on when, how to make the most of your study time, how to best manage your personal/work/study schedule in this season, and much more! Plus, if you replace your Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, etc. scrolling time with time in the Blessed & Barred® app instead, you’ll have plenty of time to implement what is in the Success System.😉

The bi-weekly Q&A group coaching calls, bonus monthly Q&A with a psychotherapist, bonus weekly study halls/co-working sessions, and weekly progress check-ins are for approximately 12 weeks during peak Bar prep season (Dec. to Feb. and May to July). There is a group Early Bar Prep Check-In Call in March, Aug., Sept., and Oct. There are 4 live Prepare to Prep Productivity Power Sessions in Nov. and April. You receive access to the live calls and check-ins for the two main Bar prep seasons for 18 months from the start of the main study season for your exam date.  However, you have access to the Success System modules (and the private community to ask questions in if you are in the group coaching option) YEAR-ROUND so if you want to get started with your Bar prep early (which you should do to best set yourself up for success), you can! 🎉

The first group coaching and Q&A call for the Feb. 2025 exam peak study season (the B&B Study Season Sprint Kick-Off Call) will be on Dec. 8, 2024.🔥But don’t wait until Dec. 8 to join! If you join now, you have plenty of time to dive into the Success System modules and be ready to hit the ground running without having to rush when we resume live calls on Dec. 8, 2024! With immediate, lifetime access to the Success System, it is never too early to join — the more time you have to learn how to Start With Your MAP, Tame Your Time, and Strategize Your Studying at a comfortable pace, the better! ✅ 

It is not too late to join either for the Feb. 2025 Bar exam if you are seeing this after Dec. 8, 2024! 🙂

Are You Ready to Become Blessed & Barred®, Future Esquire?

Choose Your Enrollment Option:

Option 1: Self-Paced Course

Full pay:
SPLIT THE $397 WITH A 12-MONTH OR OTHER PAYMENT PLAN provided by Affirm, Afterpay, Klarna, or PayPal Buy Now Pay Later! 🎉

Enroll in Course & Access:

Enroll NOW to Prep for the July 2025 Bar Exam & Beyond!

Next Blessed & Barred® Prepare to Prep Productivity Power Session on Sat., April 19, 2025

Join ASAP to hit the ground running before then!

Option 2: Group Coaching Program

Full pay:
SPLIT THE $997 WITH A 12-MONTH OR OTHER PAYMENT PLAN provided by Affirm, Afterpay, Klarna, or PayPal Buy Now Pay Later! 🥳

Enroll in the Group & Access:

Enroll NOW to Prep for the Feb. 2025 Bar Exam & Beyond!

Next Blessed & Barred® Early Bar Prep Check-In Call at 6 pm ET on Sun., March 30, 2025!

Join ASAP to hit the ground running before then!

Contact Us

Don’t see your question in the FAQ?

You can email us directly at info@robertaoroberts.com to get in touch and we’ll answer back within 48 business hours. Or, for a more personal touch, reply to the below video and record your question about Blessed & Barred® instead!

*The bi-weekly Q&A group coaching calls, Q&A with a psychotherapist (not therapy), progress check-ins, and study halls/co-working sessions are implementation features/bonuses offered during the peak Bar exam study seasons (from May to the July Bar exam and December to the February Bar exam). The Early Bar Prep Check-In Calls are hosted in the months that we don’t have the bi-weekly group coaching calls or the four weeks of Prepare to Prep Productivity Power Sessions (March, August, Sept. & Oct.). The Blessed & Barred® coaching community to ask questions in, group chat, and virtual meeting rooms are open year-round. Blessed & Barred® members receive access to the coaching community, study halls, check-ins, and live calls (if enrolled in the group coaching option or community/check-in add-on for the self-paced option) for the two main Bar exam seasons for 18 months with the option to renew at a special discounted returning rate if desired after the initial included 18 months. All Blessed & Barred® members also receive lifetime, year-round access to the Blessed & Barred® Success System modules (including the Blessed & Barred® Bar Exam Writing Workshop Series), plus the other designated bonuses created by Roberta.


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