
Bar Exam

What to Do After You’ve Taken the Bar Exam

You’ve studied for months and in just two days it’s over, you’re done taking the Bar exam!! Whoo hoo! 🎉🥳 But, now you also have to wait several weeks/months before you get the results back. Whomp whomp. What are you going to do/should you do in the meantime to wait well instead of driving yourself […] Read more…

Quick Tips for the Week Before the Bar Exam

💨 TAKE A DEEP BREATHInhale peace and exhale anxiety. You want to be as calm as possible going into the exam. “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.” – 1 Peter 5:7.   🙌🏾 STAY ENCOURAGEDNow is not the time to give in to feelings of inadequacy — that is using […] Read more…

Real Talk About Retaking the Bar Exam: How This Wife & Mother of Young Children Passed the Bar Exam with Blessed & Barred® Alumna Myeedah Leslie-Green, Esq.

Blessed & Barred® Christian Bar Exam Coaching Program Alumna Myeedah Leslie-Green, Esq. holds nothing back in this real talk interview about how she passed the Bar exam the third time — and all while being a wife and mother to young children!    In the interview we cover:  Relevant/Links Mentioned Grace for the Grind® Career Mastermind is a FREE […] Read more…

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