You know how challenging it is to study for the Bar exam, especially if you are retaking the exam and studying while working full-time as well. But you don’t have to do it alone.
Blessed & Barred® Christian Bar Exam Coaching Program will transform the way that you approach studying for the Bar exam and empower you to strengthen your faith and improve your confidence, better manage your time (and your life!) so you have a study schedule that works and works for you, and write and analyze like the practicing attorney you are training to be. ⚖️
By joining this program, you will:
1. Learn proven study strategies that will allow you to stress less and score more on the Bar exam ✅
2. Have access to a comprehensive Bar Exam Success System created by a legal research and writing adjunct professor and Bar exam coach who passed two Bar exams (and passed the UBE while working full-time, scoring high enough to practice in any UBE jurisdiction, Glory to God!) 🎉
3. Connect with a community of other Christian women taking the Bar exam for support, accountability, and study partners 💜
4. And much, much more!
Click here to get all the details on how the program works and how you can join.

These calls are great for:
- Getting your specific questions answered live about your Bar prep, the Blessed & Barred® program modules, legal writing for the Bar exam, time management, work, work-life balance, spiritual growth, and more by a Bar Exam Success Coach who’s passed two Bar exams and is a certified Christian life coach, practicing federal government attorney, and legal research and writing adjunct professor!
- Receiving strategies for taking the Bar exam and overall Bar prep based on your personal situation. No more spinning your wheels and spending hours on Google searching for an answer!
- Digging into your Bar Exam Blessing Blockers™ and Bar Exam Blessing Activators™ so you know what to stop doing in your Bar prep that is blocking your Bar exam blessing and take the actions (Bar Exam Blessing Activators™) that will lead to you passing
- Having a community of other Christian women studying for the Bar exam so you don’t have to do it alone
- And more!
You can send in your questions in advance if you can’t make it live and you’ll get searchable recordings of the calls!
And, we have a monthly Q&A with a psychotherapist — my husband! 😀 He covers topics like:
- Avoidance
- Stress
- Self-sabotage
- Test anxiety
We kick off with two group calls in May to help you get your Bar prep right before Memorial Day for the July Bar exam, and two group calls in December before Christmas for the Feb. exam!
It’s first come, first serve for the remaining spots available—and I would truly love to have you in the program.
You’re already blessed. Now let’s get you #BlessedandBarred!