
Moot court

What To Do If You Don’t Make Moot Court

First off, do not be discouraged! I did not make my school’s Moot Court Board 1L year and went on to win (with my partner) a moot court competition 2L year, place as semi-finalists in a regional moot court competition with my team 3L year, and win third place brief (out of 20).  My teammates […] Read more…

Five Uncommon Tips For Moot Court Competition Success

You probably already know the bare essentials of moot court preparation; know the relevant case law and how to use it in your responses; practice your opening/road map/closing; and participate in as many scrimmages/moots as possible with other students to hear other viewpoints, get comfortable competing, and practice answering questions and doing impromptu rebuttals. But […] Read more…