
Bar exam

Grace for the Grind™ Career Mastermind Member Spotlight on Brandi D. Pikes, Esq. & Her Faith-Filled Bar Exam Study Strategy

Affirm, Believe, Conceive: Bar Exam Success Strategies Bar Prep Courses Don’t Teach You with Brandi D. Pikes, Esq.  Lack of confidence is one of the three most common Bar exam preparation pitfalls according to a recent Above the Law article.  So when I heard the story of an attorney who intentionally and strategically incorporated her faith into […] Read more…

Bar Exam Serenity Prayer

To all of the bar exam takers! I found this bar exam version of the serenity prayer online:⁣ ⁣Dear God,⁣⁣Please grant me the serenity to accept the things I do not know; ⁣Wisdom to answer the questions to the best I can; and Courage to execute and be disciplined through the conclusion.⁣⁣Marching one section at […] Read more…

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