Blessed & Barred® Christian Bar Exam Coaching Program Alumna Natsha Snell, Esq. holds nothing back in this real talk interview about how she passed the Bar exam the fifth time — and all while being a single mom, going through grief, and working full-time!
In the interview we cover:
- Being reminded that God is still there and you are still meant to be a licensed attorney even if you failed the Bar exam before
- How Blessed & Barred® helped Natsha pass the Bar exam and live a better balanced life
- The importance of mindset and faith in taking the Bar exam, especially if you are retaking the exam
- Natsha’s message to people who are on the fence about joining Blessed & Barred®
- Watching out for Bar Exam Blessing Blockers™ like not setting proper boundaries, putting yourself last, and not getting help
- And more!
Relevant/Links Mentioned
- Free Grace for the Grind® community & Bar Exam Resource Library
- Paulette Blessed & Barred® Interview
- Myeedah Blessed & Barred® Interview
- BarMax UBE Bar Review Course Review & 15% Discount
- Natsha’s Instagram
- Links to Bar Exam Prayer Calls
- Daniel 10:1-14
Grace for the Grind® Career Mastermind is a FREE private online community for Christian women lawyers, Bar exam takers, and law students who want less stress and more of God’s grace for the professional grind. You can join for free and access our Bar exam webinar replays and Bar Exam Resource Library at https://app.graceforthegrind.com!