Blessed & Barred® Christian Bar Exam Coaching Program Alumna (and now a Blessed & Barred® Bar Exam Coach and Community Manager inside of the program!) Paulette Eze, Esq. gets real in this real talk interview about how she passed the Bar exam with a higher score than she needed for her jurisdiction while working full-time!  

In the interview we cover: 

  • How the joy of finally passing the Bar exam outweighed the struggles of retaking the exam 
  • Why you should not give up if you have to retake the Bar exam 
  • How Blessed & Barred® transformed Paulette’s approach to Bar prep and the role faith and surrender played in increasing her confidence and her scores 
  • Her advice for people retaking the Bar exam 
  • Paulette’s message to people who are on the fence about joining Blessed & Barred® 
  • And more!  

Relevant/Links Mentioned

Grace for the Grind® Career Mastermind is a FREE private online community for Christian women lawyers, Bar exam takers, and law students who want less stress and more of God’s grace for the professional grind. You can join for free and access our Bar exam webinar replays and Bar Exam Resource Library at!

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