So excited to share this testimonial from one of my Blessed & Barred® Christian Bar Exam Coaching Program clients!!! LOOK AT GOD!!!! 🙏🏾🙌🏾💪🏾💃🏾🎉🥳😭 Not only did she DRAMATICALLY improve her legal writing for essays and MPTs and PASS the Bar exam, but she also had a breakthrough in her faith “THAT GOES FAR BEYOND BAR PREP”!!! Yesss!!!! 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
The Bar exam is such a spiritual, mental, emotional, etc. journey so I am so happy to be able to offer a program that touches on all of these things in addition to the practical strategies needed to pass the Bar exam. That’s why the Blessed & Barred® Christian Bar Exam Coaching Program is based on a 3-Step Success System where you:
1️⃣ Start With Your MAP (Mindset, Affirmations, and Prayer to get your mind right and build up your faith and confidence); ✝️
2️⃣ Tame Your Time (get a handle on time management & productivity so you can get your life together & study without everything else falling apart); 🎯
3️⃣ Strategize Your Studying (Essay & MPT reviews and tutorials, study methods, etc. so you can hone the right skills, have the right study plan, and work smarter v. harder) ✅

Spots to work with me are limited so go here to learn more about Blessed & Barred® Christian Bar Exam Coaching Program and get signed up while there’s still space! 🏃🏾♀️💨

Yes transformation not only on the Bar exam, but in all areas of life!!! 🙌🏾✝️⚖️

She passed her July 2021 Bar exam EVEN WITH tech difficulties like her computer restarting during the exam!! NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST HER PROSPERED!!! See Isaiah 54:17!! 🙏🏾🙌🏾💪🏾⚖️🎉 🥳
One more time lol: Spots to work with me are limited so go here to learn more about Blessed & Barred® Christian Bar Exam Coaching Program and get signed up while there’s still space! 🏃🏾♀️💨