Blessed & Barred® Bar Exam Success System Creator and Bar Exam Success Coach Roberta O. Roberts, Esq. has an interactive interview with a current Blessed & Barred® student who shares what her experience starting Bar prep early has been like and what she thinks every Bar exam taker should know about Bar prep planning!
In the interview we cover:
- Why you shouldn’t just jump straight into studying without taking time to plan your Bar prep first
- The unique challenges and considerations of working full-time while studying for the Bar exam
- What it means to Tame Your Time for Bar prep
- The benefits of starting your Bar prep early
- How Blessed & Barred® helps improve faith, confidence, time management, and study strategy for the Bar exam
- And more!
Links Mentioned
- Enroll in Blessed & Barred® Christian Bar Exam Coaching Program
- FREE Grace for the Grind® community and Bar Exam Resource Library
- Podcast episode explaining the Blessed & Barred® concept of Bar Exam Blessing Blockers™ and Bar Exam Blessing Activators™
Grace for the Grind® Career Mastermind is a FREE private online community for Christian women lawyers, Bar exam takers, and law students who want less stress and more of God’s grace for the professional grind. You can join for free and access our Bar exam webinar replays and Bar Exam Resource Library at https://app.graceforthegrind.com!