✅ Whether you are taking a Bar exam (or even still a law student), you NEED to know these three ways to INSTANTLY improve your Bar exam essays (and PT responses, and your legal writing generally)! 💯📝

➡️ So, join attorneys and Bar exam coaches Roberta O. Roberts, Esq. of Grace for the Grind® and Blessed & Barred® Bar Exam Success System (https://instagram.com/robertaoroberts_esq) and Caroline Vickers, Esq. of Bar Prep Champs (https://instagram.com/barprepchamps) as we give you the inside knowledge from our combined 10+ years of being licensed attorneys and both having taken and passed two Bar exams each! 💪🏾🙌🏾⁠ ⁠

❗In the meantime, access the FREE Grace for the Grind® Bar Exam Resource Library with Biblical and practical tips for Bar exam success including prayers for the bar exam call recordings, a Bar exam success vision planning session, Bar prep Q&A events, MBE/MEE/MPT best practices and more! 🙏🏾 Click here to access the resource library now!

Note: If you are already enrolled in Blessed & Barred® Bar Exam Success System + Christian Bar Exam Coaching Program then you have access to the full formal Blessed & Barred® Bar Exam Writing Workshop Series where I teach my 3-Step Bar Exam Legal Writing Framework in-depth with interactive examples! 

Not already enrolled in Blessed & Barred®? Join Blessed & Barred® today!

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