
Month: July 2019

Replay of Vision Planning: Strategies for Seeing Yourself Passing the Bar Exam and Beyond Live Q&A

Grace for the Grind™ Career Mastermind Member Spotlight Brandi D. Pikes, Esq. shared Biblical strategies for visualizing success and activating the power of God’s Word over your studies!  Habakkuk 2:2 says “Write the vision and make it plain upon tablets.” Brandi discussed the importance of vision planning as well as how to create and implement a vision for yourself […] Read more…

Prayers for the Bar Exam

See all of our recorded prayers for the Bar exam for you to listen to during your Bar prep and in the days leading up to and of the Bar exam below! ⬇️ Brandi D. Pikes, Esq. bound up and rebuked the spirit of confusion, technical difficulties, attacks on the mind and body, and more […] Read more…